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Cristiane Miranda e Tito de Morais
Agarrados à Net Project
Agarrados à Net
It has never been easy being a parent. Each era brings its own challenges. This time brings us the digital world, with all its opportunities and benefits, but with the other side of the coin, the risks, dangers and threats.
As with everything in life, it is not the technology that can be a problem, but the use we make of it.
As parents we always teach our children to do things well and safely. For example, we teach:
- to pick up the spoon and then the fork without getting hurt;
- how to cross the street safely, right?
So, it is in our hands to teach our children to be good digital citizens, that is, to guide our children to use technology and the internet in an ethical, responsible and safe way.
But how can we do this if technologies and the internet are a huge, ever-changing world where our children seem to know how to move around as if they were born in it and we were not? Well, they were, weren't they?
As parents, we should make sure we are as informed as possible. This is one of the 7 Steps to Positive Digital Parenting.
And, as with other issues, if we do not know, we should seek help and information.
In the project Agarrados à Net, this is what we do: we help parents and educators to better manage the time that children and young people spend in front of screens, so that these are no longer reasons for tantrums, shouting, screaming and conflicts.
Agarrados à Net project is a joint initiative of Tito de Morais, founder of the project MiudosSegurosNa.Net and Cristiane Miranda - Coach, founder of Teen On Top - Coaching for Youngsters. To find out more about this project and how you can participate in our workshops on this topic, go to www.agarradosa.net

Please note: the articles on this blog may not convey the opinion of .PT, but of its author.
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