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We are the flag of Portugal on the internet

Trademark Registration at INPI

To legally protect a trademark or other distinctive sign of trade, it is necessary to register it with the INPI - Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property. Only the INPI can guarantee the exclusive right to use a trademark or other signs used in trade. 

Before applying for registration, you must make sure that there is no brand equal to or similar to the one you want to register using the INPI search tool
Why to register?
• Trademarks are an essential tool for distinguishing a company's products or services from those of other companies on the market.
• Although not mandatory, registration helps to protect and develop your brand, offering several advantages. For example:
- prevents other people and entities from producing, manufacturing, selling or commercially exploiting the protected signal without your authorization;
- prevents the registration of new identical trademarks for identical or similar products; 
- allows canceling identical trademarks that have been registered before for identical or similar products; 
- assigns the right to the exclusive use of this brand for a period of 10 years, renewable;  
- helps to fight counterfeiting and enriches the product or service by building consumer trust. 
Brand and domain name
Associating a brand to the .pt domain means having more guarantees that customers or users will visit the right site when looking for products or services.
Having a digital presence under .pt also makes brands appear better positioned in search engines, in addition to contributing to putting Portugal on the digital map.

Why is it important to be online?
• People look for information on the internet before buying products/services;
• With a website a business runs 24/7. At any time, it is possible to visit a website, learn about the business and buy products/services;
• A website generates trust, is subject to compliance with a set of legal provisions;
• It's easy to have a website: just click here and type in the search bar the name you want to give to your digital presence (for example: aaaa.pt). You don't know what name to choose? Click here.