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  • Registering new domains
    • How do I register a .pt domain name?
      To register your domain, you can use specialized entities in this area, the registrars accredited by .PT, or register directly with .PT, and for this purpose:

      1.Access your reserved area at www.pt.pt/en;
      2.Select the "Domains" tab;
      3.Choose the "Create Domain" option in the upper right corner;
      4.Follow the steps to create your domain;
      5.Make the payment.

      We remind you that the direct registration with .PT only guarantees the attribution of the domain name, not including hosting or other associated services. Any additional services must be provided by the interested parties, or by the selected registrar who, as a rule, already provides packages with the various services.
    • I have a domain name registered in: .net.pt, .int.pt, .publ.pt, .nome.pt, .org.pt, .edu.pt, what will happen to my domain?
      These classifiers have been extinct, and although no new registrations will be accepted under them, domains already registered will continue to exist and can be renewed.
    • How to register in .gov.pt?
      The .gov.pt domains are registered and managed by CEGER (Government Computer Network Management Centre).

      Thus, the registration in the .gov.pt hierarchy must be carried out in www.ceger.gov.pt and is limited to entities that are part of the structure of the Government of the Republic.

    • How do I register a domain in .com or another TLD?
      The .PT only manages the .pt top-level domain, so registration in .com or any other TLD must be carried out with the entities accredited for this purpose. For more information, see www.iana.org.
    • What can I do if there is a conflict over a domain? 
      If you consider that there has been a violation of your registration rights, you may resort to institutionalized voluntary arbitration, through Arbitrare – Arbitration Center for Industrial Property, Domain Names, Firms and Denominations (www.arbitrare.pt/en), under the terms of Article 27 of the .pt Terms and Conditions (registration rules), or resort to the judicial courts.  
  • Changes to registered domain names
    • How do I change the ownership of my domain name? 
      Check out this video on how to change the ownership of your domain name.

      To change your domain ownership online, you must:

      1.Access your reserved area at www.pt.pt/en;
      2.Select the "Domains" tab;
      3.Choose the domain for which you want to change ownership;
      4.Select the "Domain Ownership Transfer" action and click "Run";
      5.If you have initiated the request as a managing entity, to accept the transfer of ownership, the current owner must click on the link received in the email and follow the steps indicated, within 8 days;
      6.If the transfer is accepted, the new owner will receive a notification, having 8 days to accept the transfer of ownership, through the link received;
      7.Always confirm that you log in to the account of the user to whom the link is intended;
      8.The new owner must read and accept the the Declaration of Responsibility and Processing of Costumer Personal Data;
      9.The old and new owners will both receive emails confirming the success of the change.

      Note: If the request is initiated by the owner, the step described in point 5 does not occur. In this case, confirmation will only be required for the new owner following point 6.  

      For more information click here

      Alternatively, you can request this change directly to .PT, with the authorization of the domain owner, which can be expressed by filling out and sending the ownership transfer draft available here (legal person) or here (natural person)

      We warn you that the transfer of ownership of domains requested directly from the .PT may result administrative charges. For more information, see our price list.

    • How do I change the management of my domain name?
      To change the Managing Entity for your domain, you must:

      1.Access your reserved area at www.pt.pt/en;
      2.Select the "Domains" tab;
      3.Choose the domain directly or search to select it;
      4.On the domain page, go to the "General Information" tab where you will find a field called "Transfer key";
      5.Click on "Show" and provide the key to the new managing entity.

      Once the managing entity receives the transfer key, and in order to complete the management transfer, it must:

      1.Access the reserved area at www.pt.pt/en;
      2.Select the "Domains" tab;
      3.Choose the "Take over Domain Management" option in the upper right corner;
      4.Enter the domain name and transfer key in the places indicated;
      5.Click "Confirm".

    • How can I change the technical contact of my domain name?
      To change the Technical contact of a domain, the Managing Entity of the domain must:

      1.Access your reserved area at www.pt.pt/en;
      2.Select the "Domains" tab;
      3.Choose the domain directly or search to select it;
      4.On the domain page, in the "Entities" section, you will find an edit symbol, represented by . By clicking on this symbol it is possible to add the new technical contact by indicating the Nic-Handle or full name of the new person in charge, then confirming it in the symbol .

    • How do I remove my domain name?
      As the Owner, to remove a domain name you must: 

      1.Access your reserved area in www.pt.pt/en;
      2.Select the "Domains" tab;
      3.Choose the domain directly or search to select it;
      4.On the domain page you will have an "Actions" button where you can select the "Remove Domain" option;
      5.You will receive an email with a link to confirm the removal. As soon as you confirm, the domain is removed and is free for registration by any interested party;
      6.If you do not confirm the removal within a maximum of 8 days, the domain will remain registered.

      As an Admin Entity, to remove a domain name you must:

      1.Access your reserved area in www.pt.pt/en;
      2.Select the "Domains" tab;
      3.Choose the domain directly or search to select it;
      4.On the domain page you will have an "Actions" button where you can select the "Remove Domain" option;
      5.The owner will receive an email with a link to object to the removal;
      6.At the end of the 8-day period, if there is no opposition, the domain is removed and is free for registration by any interested party. If there is an objection, the domain will remain registered.
  • Nic-Handles and user accounts
    • What is a Nic-Handle and what is it for?
      The Nic-Handle is the unique identifier (alphanumeric) of those responsible for the domain name in the .pt domain registration and management system. Whenever a person/entity registers online for the first time, they are assigned a Nic-Handle, which will be duly communicated to them. The Nic-Handle should be used when registering domain names as they save time and help ensure the consistency and accuracy of the information.

      The User, in turn, allows those responsible for the domain name, who have previously been assigned a Nic-Handle, to access the reserved area and manage their domains.

    • I'm responsible for a domain name and I don't have access to the reserved area yet 
      If you already have an entity created in the .PT system, but you do not yet have a user, you must create it to be able to manage your domains online. We call to your attention that when creating it, it will be necessary to indicate the same TIN/VAT number, country and email address already included in the entity.

      Also make sure that the email address associated with your entity is up to date before starting user creation and contact us if an update is needed.

    • How to create a new Entity (Nic-Handle) and its user ?
      Watch in this video how to create a new user.

      To create the entity/user, you must:

      2.Click on "Create User";
      3.In the window that appears, fill in all the requested data, paying particular attention to the following fields: 
      • a. Correct country and TIN/VAT number;
      • b. Updated email address;
      4.A notification will be sent to the email address provided, which contains a link to confirm user creation.

      After confirming the creation of the user, it will be possible to access the .pt domain registration system with the username and password defined.

    • How do I make changes to my contact details associated with the Entity?
      You can change your data through the reserved area, with your access credentials, for this you must:

      2.In the entities tab, access the "My Entity" link in the upper right corner;
      3.In the "General Information" tab, you should scroll down the page until you see the "address" and "contact list" fields, where you can edit both the address, email addresses and telephone contacts.

      If you want to change the name, NIF and country, please contact .PT.

    • How do I retrieve my login credentials?
      Watch in this video how to recover your password.

      To recover your password, it will be necessary to have a user created in the .pt domain registration system, otherwise it is not possible to make this request, and you must first proceed with the creation of a user.

      To retrieve access data, you must:

      2.Click on "Forgot your password?";
      3.Insert the main email associated with the existing entity, country and respective VAT number;
      4.By clicking on "Send" a notification will be sent to the email address indicated to set a new password. During the password setting process, you will be able to view your username.

      Note: Please ensure that the email address associated with your contact is up to date before starting the recovery of the login details and contact us if an update is required. 

    • How can I update my email?
      In order to fulfil your email change request, we ask you to:
      1. Tell us via email which new address you want to associate with your account;
      2. Attach to your e-mail an identification document/a copy or online access to company incorporation document.

      Alternatively, you can fill in and send us the declaration that you find here.

  • Statuses in the .PT system
    • What are the possible statuses of an entity?

      An entity in .pt can have the following statuses:
      • Awaiting Proof – .PT is waiting for proof of the entity's data;
      • Invalid Data – The contact details provided are insufficient, incorrect or false or the person concerned lacks legal capacity or personality; 
      • Not Validated – The entity's data has never been validated by .PT;
      • Pending - The submitted data is awaiting validation by .PT; 
      • Valid Data – The entity's data has been validated by .PT.

    • What are the possible statuses of a domain?

      A .pt domain name can have the following statuses:
      • Deleted – The domain name has been removed and is no longer active or delegated in the .pt zone;
      • Pending-Delete – The domain has not been renewed and is in pre-removal. There is an additional 30 day period to renew, but during this period, all services associated with the domain are suspended.
      • Registered – The domain name is registered, has technical information, and is delegated to the .pt zone;
      • Reserved – The domain name is registered, however it does not have technical information and is not delegated in the .pt zone. For the domain to be in the registered state, it will be necessary to proceed with its correct technical configuration (indicate IP or nameserver);
      • Stand-By-Payment – The domain name is awaiting payment for its registration. 
  • MFA- Multifactor Authentication
    • What is MFA?
      MultiFactor Authentication (MFA) is an important feature that adds an additional layer of security to the login process.

      It is a simple and free way to prevent access to your reserved area by unauthorized people.

      For more information click here

  • WhoIs
    • How can I contact the owner of a domain name if the data in the WhoIs is confidential?
      In cases where a data subject's data is confidential, it is possible to contact the owner through the "Contact Registrant" option available on the domain's WhoIs page. 
    • How can I put my data as confidential in WhoIs?
      Under the terms of the rules in force, and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, the data of natural persons are always, and by default, placed as confidential in the Whois, and the holder of the same, in reserved access in www.pt.pt/en/, may activate or deactivate said confidentiality in each domain.

      Legal persons, on the other hand, will always have their data made available, and it is not possible to activate confidentiality.

      To edit the confidentiality of your data, you must:

      1.Access your reserved area at www.pt.pt/en/;
      2.Select the "Domains" tab;
      3.Select the domain in which you want to enable/disable contact confidentiality;
      4.On the domain page, in the "Entities" section, you will find an edit symbol, represented by . By clicking on this symbol it is possible to edit the confidentiality (activate/deactivate) and then confirm the symbol .

      Note: According to the previous .pt Registration Rules, in force until February 2, 2021, it was possible to activate confidentiality of legal person data, so there may still be some legal persons with confidential data. 

  • Technical FAQs
    • Do I need technical setup and a name server to register a domain name?
      No, in this case the domain name assumes the status "Reserved", it is not delegated in the .pt zone, and consequently it does not work technically, that is, web pages and emails, etc., have no result. 

      In order for the domain to be delegated in the .pt zone, i.e., in technical operation and in the "Registered" state, it is necessary to be correctly configure some name servers. 

      If you do not have technical knowledge on this subject, you should contact a specialized entity, we suggest that you consult the list of .pt registrar entities.

    • How do I confirm that my domain is set up correctly?
      You have at your disposal a Technical Evaluator. By simply entering the domain name and IP address/name of the primary server, you can know if it is properly configured.
    • What is necessary to use the domain name on the Internet?
      Before a domain can be used on a web page, e-mail or other services, the existence and correct configuration of name servers is necessary. The web and e-mail server (s) also have to be configured for the mentioned services to work. 

      In most cases, the hosting provider has available service packs that include all these matters. The .PT does not provide these services, but for this purpose you can resort to one of our registrars.
    • I found that a domain is registered but has no webpage, this is possible?
      There are 3 possible situations:

      1.The domain has name servers but they are not configured correctly;
      2.The domain does not have nameserver information, since this  information is not mandatory, and therefore it is in the "Reserved" state. If there is no technical configuration, there is also no web page or email;
      3.The domain has correct technical information, but the entity has not delegated a web page. The Registrant can choose to only use the domain for email, or even choose not to have delegated services associated with the domain.

    • My domain is already active but the website does not work, why?
      There are two possibilities:

      1.The web page may not be delegated in the domain's name servers;
      2.If you have made a technical change to the .pt registration system within the last 30 minutes, the new delegation may not yet be available on the Internet.

    • How do I change Resource Records for domains?
      To change the technical information associated with a domain name, the Technical Manager of the domain name must:

      1.Access your reserved area at www.pt.pt/en/ ;
      2.Select the "Domains" tab;
      3.Choose the domain directly or search to select it;
      4.On the domain page, you should access the "Technical Configuration" tab where you will find the option of manual or automatic configuration.

      In the automatic configuration you will have to indicate the primary name servers, which must be previously configured.

      In the manual configuration, you will have to indicate all the nameservers that are responsible for the domain, which must already be defined in your host wallet as the technical responsible for the domain.

  • DNS Abuse
    • What happens if my domain sets up DNS Abuse?
      If .PT identifies that a domain name is likely to configure DNS Abuse, those responsible for the domain are notified to ensure the necessary measures to correct it. If the identified malicious activity persists, whenever applicable, the .PT will report the situation to the competent authority.
    • What can I do if I identify a domain that I think represents DNS Abuse?
      If you identify a domain name that you consider to support activity such as the dissemination of malware, phishing, pharming, botnets and/or spam, you must report the situation to the .PT through the abuse@pt.pt channel.
Can not find answers to your questions? Contact us!