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We are the flag of Portugal on the internet


1,500,000 registrations under .pt
Luisa Ribeiro Lopes
.PT Chairman of the Board of Directors
1,500,000 registrations under .pt
On 12 March 2018 I wrote about the fact that we had reached one million domains. This was a goal we had long aspired to.

Less than 4 years later, here we are celebrating the registration of the 1.5 million domain, after a year of 2021 in which we grew more than in previous years and put us on the first place of the podium of the fastest growing domains in Europe.

Was it easy? No! A lot of work and investment and a great belief in the value of .pt, which has become the preferred domain of the Portuguese and of those who contact Portugal.

Portugal is increasingly seen as a modern, innovative, entrepreneurial country, where it is worth living, working and investing in.

Portugal is synonymous with quality of life, sun, sea, light, security and sustainability.
The .pt domain is the domain that follows all these values.

In a high transition to digital, having a .pt domain is the right choice for the quality, trust, security and stability it means.

Having a .pt domain is giving and receiving in return. .pt embraces social and digital responsibility towards all, because we believe that giving back to the community what the community gives us is to promote digital inclusion, and therefore social inclusion, and to invest in a more sustainable world. Because digital transformation must have a humanist purpose.

We are a non-profit entity with a very clear Vision: to continuously promote, at national level, the use of the Internet, providing a service recognised as a reference and excellence within the community, counterparts and partners, and with Values that we place in everything we do: Security; Transparency; Rigor; Ethics; Trust; Inclusion and Responsibility.

We can only thank all those who choose to be more .PT.

Please note: the articles on this blog may not convey the opinion of .PT, but of its author.
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