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We are the flag of Portugal on the internet

List of Registrars

.pt Registrars are specialized entities in registration and management of domain names
List of Registrars that correspond to your search
LusoAloja Serviços de Alojamento Web, Ldawww.lusoaloja.pt
LIDERLINK, Unipessoal LDAwww.liderlink.pt
Lexsynergy Limitedwww.lexsynergy.com
Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbHwww.knipp.de
Key-Systems GmbHwww.key-systems.net/tld/pt
JUMPSELLER, LDAwww.jumpseller.pt
J. Pereira da Cruz S.A.www.jpereiradacruz.pt
Janela Digital - Informatica e Telecomunicacoes S. A.www.janeladigital.com
IS-Fun Internet Services GmbHwww.is-fun.de
IPDROID, LDAwww.ipdroid.pt
INWX GmbHwww.inwx.es/es/dominios-pt
INTERWAVE, LDAwww.interwave.pt
InterNetX GmbHwww.internetx.de
Inovanet - Servicos e Sistemas de Comunicacao Ldawww.inovanet.pt
I4W - WEB SOLUTIONS, LDAwww.innov4web.pt
united-domains AGhttps://www.united-domains.de