MUDA - Movimento pela Utilização Digital Ativa: DNS.PT is one of the promoting entities

MUDA - Movimento pela Utilização Digital Ativa: DNS.PT is one of the promoting entities
It was yesterday presented MUDA - Movimento pela Utilização Digital Ativa (Movement for Active Digital Use), which aims to encourage Portuguese participation in the digital space. DNS.PT is one of the promoting entities and the .pt commitment is to be a dynamic enhancer partner that we believe MUDA will bring at the national level. We will work together, implementing measures and initiatives that promote and enhance the active, informed and responsible use of the internet.
MUDA is a national movement promoted by several companies, universities and associations and by the Portuguese State that are committed to encouraging Portuguese participation in the digital space, contributing to a more advanced, inclusive and participative country.
Based on the ambition of Portugal to become a more evolved society, with active, inclusive and participative citizenship, MUDA aims to contribute to the reduction of the number of people who have never accessed the internet and to increase the number of users with more advanced skills.
MUDA will allow the Portuguese citizens to save time, learn more, be connected to other people, make better decisions, access more information and more diversified, save money, work out of the office, be more creative, have a safer life and be able to influence the world at a one-click distance.
Learn more at www.muda.pt