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We are the flag of Portugal on the internet


Delegation .pt
In 1988 the IANA (Internet Assigned Names Authority) responsible worldwide for the global coordination of DNS (Domains Name System), IP addressing and other protocols assignment delegates the management of the .pt.
In 1988 the IANA (Internet Assigned Names Authority) responsible worldwide for the global coordination of DNS (Domains Name System), IP addressing and other protocols assignment delegates the management of the .pt.
The expansion of linked computer worldwide
The number of computers goes over the 100 million units world wise and there were 105 networks across the world, several of them had particular "e-mail" addressing forms.
The number of computers goes over the 100 million units world wise and there were 105 networks across the world, several of them had particular "e-mail" addressing forms.
Creation of the RCCN (National Network of the Scientific Community)
Around 1990 university teachers and researchers combined their efforts with FCCN, to create a network that would make available, along the country, the computational resources.

The FCCN network increased thus its scope and was designated RCCN (National Network of the Scientific Community). Since 1990 and as a result of the joint technical efforts the IP Forum and the implementation the network by FCCN, the national research and higher education community has contributed to create the Portuguese Internet.
Around 1990 university teachers and researchers combined their efforts with FCCN, to create a network that would make available, along the country, the computational resources.

The FCCN network increased thus its scope and was designated RCCN (National Network of the Scientific Community). Since 1990 and as a result of the joint technical efforts the IP Forum and the implementation the network by FCCN, the national research and higher education community has contributed to create the Portuguese Internet.
Creation of the HTTP Protocol and the WWW
In 1990 was born at CERN - Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research), the HTTP protocol and the first webserver, this technology is still in use on the internet.
In 1990 was born at CERN - Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research), the HTTP protocol and the first webserver, this technology is still in use on the internet.
It was installed the server to manage the .pt
In this year was installed, at the premises FCCN, the first server to manage the .pt domain.
In this year was installed, at the premises FCCN, the first server to manage the .pt domain.
First .pt Domain name registration
With the installing of the first server to manage the ccTLD .pt, the first Portuguese domain was registered: dns.pt
With the installing of the first server to manage the ccTLD .pt, the first Portuguese domain was registered: dns.pt
The ISOC was created
In this year ISOC - Internet Society is born, created by around 400 persons related to the Internet, whose initial purpose was to promote the use of the Internet. Currently it has about 55000 members, 90 chapters and 130 associated organizations, with the mission to promote and develop the open use of the Internet for the benefit of the world population.

It holds forums to discuss technical and operational issues in order to provide mechanisms, by which anyone interested, can be informed about the function, use and operation of the Internet.
In this year ISOC - Internet Society is born, created by around 400 persons related to the Internet, whose initial purpose was to promote the use of the Internet. Currently it has about 55000 members, 90 chapters and 130 associated organizations, with the mission to promote and develop the open use of the Internet for the benefit of the world population.

It holds forums to discuss technical and operational issues in order to provide mechanisms, by which anyone interested, can be informed about the function, use and operation of the Internet.
Web open to the world
In 1993 the CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) announced its decision not to patent or reclaim its authorship rights regarding the web technology, making the HTTP a free protocol, and thus any person can use it for free.
In 1993 the CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) announced its decision not to patent or reclaim its authorship rights regarding the web technology, making the HTTP a free protocol, and thus any person can use it for free.
The registration under .pt grows
This year several entities, which names are most recognized by the Portuguese public, registered their domains, namely: telepac.pt, ul.pt (Lisbon University), siemens.pt, priberam.pt, adi.pt (Innovation Agency). The first registration of the year was it.pt for the Telecommunications Institute.
This year several entities, which names are most recognized by the Portuguese public, registered their domains, namely: telepac.pt, ul.pt (Lisbon University), siemens.pt, priberam.pt, adi.pt (Innovation Agency). The first registration of the year was it.pt for the Telecommunications Institute.
SAPO was created in 1995 at Aveiro University, by six members of the IT department of the University. The name appeared from the services acronym, S.A.P. (Servidor de Apontadores Portugueses - Portuguese Pointers Server), which is very similar to the Portuguese word SAPO (frog).
SAPO was created in 1995 at Aveiro University, by six members of the IT department of the University. The name appeared from the services acronym, S.A.P. (Servidor de Apontadores Portugueses - Portuguese Pointers Server), which is very similar to the Portuguese word SAPO (frog).
First Regulation for the .pt registration with legal deposit number n.º 101422/96
Thus far the regulations for .pt domains were mainly technical.

In 1996 it is made the first main change in the regulation for .pt registration, with the purpose of following the best international practices.
Thus far the regulations for .pt domains were mainly technical.

In 1996 it is made the first main change in the regulation for .pt registration, with the purpose of following the best international practices.
Registration of the preparatory and secondary schools under rcts.pt
In 1997 all schools in the country had a webpage in the Internet with its respective domain name registered under rcts.pt.
In 1997 all schools in the country had a webpage in the Internet with its respective domain name registered under rcts.pt.
In 1998 ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers was created, a not-for-profit international organization, responsible for distributing IP addresses, for the designation and identification of protocols, for the control of the domain name system at the first level, with generic code (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) and with central administration functions of the network servers.

ICANN dedicates itself to maintaining the operational stability of the Internet, promoting the competition, obtaining a diverse representation of the global communities congregated in the Internet and developing and adequate policy to its mission, with consensual procedures, implemented via a bottom-up policy.
In 1998 ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers was created, a not-for-profit international organization, responsible for distributing IP addresses, for the designation and identification of protocols, for the control of the domain name system at the first level, with generic code (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) and with central administration functions of the network servers.

ICANN dedicates itself to maintaining the operational stability of the Internet, promoting the competition, obtaining a diverse representation of the global communities congregated in the Internet and developing and adequate policy to its mission, with consensual procedures, implemented via a bottom-up policy.
Google appears
In 1998 we see the birth of the best known and most used search engine, Google.

It all began in a PhD work developed by two students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, of the Stanford University, in California, EUA.
In 1998 we see the birth of the best known and most used search engine, Google.

It all began in a PhD work developed by two students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, of the Stanford University, in California, EUA.
In this year CENTR, Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries was founded and organization representative of all European country code top level domains.
In this year CENTR, Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries was founded and organization representative of all European country code top level domains.
Update to the regulation for .pt registration
In 1999 a new update is made to the registration regulation, being established a name attribution policy, besides the technical requisites.

It is also formally expressed the creation of the Advisory Council of the .PT that has as a main mission, the counseling on the matter relating to the management of the Internet name space in Portugal.
In 1999 a new update is made to the registration regulation, being established a name attribution policy, besides the technical requisites.

It is also formally expressed the creation of the Advisory Council of the .PT that has as a main mission, the counseling on the matter relating to the management of the Internet name space in Portugal.
An on-line information system is implemented
In 2000, considering that the registration and procedures were not yet clearly defined, a new and specific information system was developed for domain registration and commercial management of the business.

Procedures are created, «harmonized with the regulation in use. For the first time the delegation is made automatically, ceasing to be a manual procedure.
In 2000, considering that the registration and procedures were not yet clearly defined, a new and specific information system was developed for domain registration and commercial management of the business.

Procedures are created, «harmonized with the regulation in use. For the first time the delegation is made automatically, ceasing to be a manual procedure.
DNS.PT technical evaluator
In 2000 was provided tho the users the first technical evaluator.

See how it looked like here.
In 2000 was provided tho the users the first technical evaluator.

See how it looked like here.
Registrar figure
The Registrar (agent of registration) figure of the DNS.PT was created in 2001. These are entities that specialize in the registration and management of domain names.

The first 3 registration agents were: VIA NET.WORKS Portugal; TELEPAC II Comunicações Interativas SA; ONI SOLUTIONS - Infocomunicações SA.

The mission of these agents is to simplify the registration process and/or to obtain a complete service that includes hosting and e-mail accounts.

You can see the current DNS.PT Registrar list at: www.pt.pt/registrars-list/en.
The Registrar (agent of registration) figure of the DNS.PT was created in 2001. These are entities that specialize in the registration and management of domain names.

The first 3 registration agents were: VIA NET.WORKS Portugal; TELEPAC II Comunicações Interativas SA; ONI SOLUTIONS - Infocomunicações SA.

The mission of these agents is to simplify the registration process and/or to obtain a complete service that includes hosting and e-mail accounts.

You can see the current DNS.PT Registrar list at: www.pt.pt/registrars-list/en.
In 2001 the DNS.PT service made available to its clients a support line at a specialized Call Center, thus promoting a better contact with clients, considering the significant increase of users interacting with the service.

In 2001 the DNS.PT service made available to its clients a support line at a specialized Call Center, thus promoting a better contact with clients, considering the significant increase of users interacting with the service.

Classifying domains are created
In this year several classifiers are created under .pt, in order to facilitate and accommodate the registrations by activity and target public.

These are the classifiers created : .org.pt, .publ.pt, .gov.pt, .net.pt, .nome.pt, .int.pt, .edu.pt, .com.pt (this last one without restrictions to registration, making more flexible the access to a domain name registration, which came to pass, this classifier became first choice after the registration directly under .pt).
In this year several classifiers are created under .pt, in order to facilitate and accommodate the registrations by activity and target public.

These are the classifiers created : .org.pt, .publ.pt, .gov.pt, .net.pt, .nome.pt, .int.pt, .edu.pt, .com.pt (this last one without restrictions to registration, making more flexible the access to a domain name registration, which came to pass, this classifier became first choice after the registration directly under .pt).
Internet Boom in Portugal with use of ADSL technology
In 2002 the ADSL technology arrives to the Portuguese Internet users, allowing for a faster access.
In 2002 the ADSL technology arrives to the Portuguese Internet users, allowing for a faster access.
In 2003 the DNS.PT makes available the use of the IPv6 protocol in the name servers used for domain delegation.
In 2003 the DNS.PT makes available the use of the IPv6 protocol in the name servers used for domain delegation.
On-line registration launch the .com.pt classifier
In 2003, 2 years after the creation of classifying domains, .com.pt became the first classifier with registration totally on-line.

The user just had to access the page (archive version) and fill the on-line form.
In 2003, 2 years after the creation of classifying domains, .com.pt became the first classifier with registration totally on-line.

The user just had to access the page (archive version) and fill the on-line form.
First Root Server copy in Portugal
In 2004 work was developed by Internet Software Consortium to install in Portugal a copy of an F-Root Server.

This installation allowed for faster access to Internet web pages increasing the quality of service.
In 2004 work was developed by Internet Software Consortium to install in Portugal a copy of an F-Root Server.

This installation allowed for faster access to Internet web pages increasing the quality of service.
Created a new DNS.PT Image
In 2004 the DNS.PT gains and individual image, a new image is created and a webpage is launched.
In 2004 the DNS.PT gains and individual image, a new image is created and a webpage is launched.
Facebook launch
In 2004 it appear one of the most recognizable social networks, Facebook.

In 2012 it reached the impressive number of 1000 million users, making it extremelly popular.

We invite you to follow DNS.PT service on Facebook.
In 2004 it appear one of the most recognizable social networks, Facebook.

In 2012 it reached the impressive number of 1000 million users, making it extremelly popular.

We invite you to follow DNS.PT service on Facebook.
In 2005 the DNS.PT introduced IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) that allows to form domain names with the characters of any existing language. In the portuguese case the character accepted are those of the portuguese language (á, à, ã, â, é, í, ó, ú, ç).
In 2005 the DNS.PT introduced IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) that allows to form domain names with the characters of any existing language. In the portuguese case the character accepted are those of the portuguese language (á, à, ã, â, é, í, ó, ú, ç).
On the spot firm
In 2005 , under the scope of the ministry of justice project " on the spot firm", the DNS .PT creates automatically the corresponding domain in the date of the company constitution.

With the constitution of a "on the spot firm", this has also "on the spot" its domain registration with the offer of the first year fees.
In 2005 , under the scope of the ministry of justice project " on the spot firm", the DNS .PT creates automatically the corresponding domain in the date of the company constitution.

With the constitution of a "on the spot firm", this has also "on the spot" its domain registration with the offer of the first year fees.
The DNS The Probes Project begins
Since the end of 2006 it is possible to monitor in realtime the activity of the DNS servers responsible for the correct operation of the .pt TLD, funcioning in portuguese territory.

This project tries to assure 3 vectors: colletion of statistical aninym information, guarantee the correct operation of services, the security in face of intrusion or DOS attacks.
Since the end of 2006 it is possible to monitor in realtime the activity of the DNS servers responsible for the correct operation of the .pt TLD, funcioning in portuguese territory.

This project tries to assure 3 vectors: colletion of statistical aninym information, guarantee the correct operation of services, the security in face of intrusion or DOS attacks.
Registration of domain names exclusively on-line
In 2006, with the positive experience of the totally on-line registration of the .com.pt classifier and in order to simplify and speed up the registration in the other classifiers as well as directly under .PT, it was promoted the on-line registration exclusively on-line, after the 1st of march 2006, for all accredited registrars, and by the general public, at www.pt.pt.
In 2006, with the positive experience of the totally on-line registration of the .com.pt classifier and in order to simplify and speed up the registration in the other classifiers as well as directly under .PT, it was promoted the on-line registration exclusively on-line, after the 1st of march 2006, for all accredited registrars, and by the general public, at www.pt.pt.
ICANN Lisbon
It took place at Lisbon the 28th ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) international meeting.
It took place at Lisbon the 28th ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) international meeting.
ISO 9001 Certification
In 2007 the activity developed through the years was reinforced in order to improve the Quality of Service, culminating with the attribution of certification with the norm reference NP EN ISO 9001:2000.
In 2007 the activity developed through the years was reinforced in order to improve the Quality of Service, culminating with the attribution of certification with the norm reference NP EN ISO 9001:2000.
Electronic invoicing
In this year it was introduced the electronic invoicing with the main objective to facilitate the invoicing procedures and make easy the access by the user to the emitted documents.
In this year it was introduced the electronic invoicing with the main objective to facilitate the invoicing procedures and make easy the access by the user to the emitted documents.
On the spot association and branch office
In 2008, with the projects "On The Spot Association" and "On The Spot Branch Office" by the portuguese Ministry of Justice, as with the 2005 project "On The Spot Firm", DNS.PT start to handle the automatic creation of domain names, when the associations and branch offices are created, offering the first yearly fee.
In 2008, with the projects "On The Spot Association" and "On The Spot Branch Office" by the portuguese Ministry of Justice, as with the 2005 project "On The Spot Firm", DNS.PT start to handle the automatic creation of domain names, when the associations and branch offices are created, offering the first yearly fee.
Established in 2008 the Centro de Arbitragem Institucionalizada, for conflict resolution, regarding: industrial property, domain names, firms and company designations.

With an online system of conflict resolution, possibility to use indistinguishably Portuguese and English, this center - ARBITRARE, emerges as the most advanced and technologically endowed in this area of intervention.

Although it has facilities, this center namely in what concerns domain names disputes, it will allow to solve all issues that are now subject to the law courts, through mediation or arbitration, totally online.
Established in 2008 the Centro de Arbitragem Institucionalizada, for conflict resolution, regarding: industrial property, domain names, firms and company designations.

With an online system of conflict resolution, possibility to use indistinguishably Portuguese and English, this center - ARBITRARE, emerges as the most advanced and technologically endowed in this area of intervention.

Although it has facilities, this center namely in what concerns domain names disputes, it will allow to solve all issues that are now subject to the law courts, through mediation or arbitration, totally online.
EPP protocol Implemented
In 2009 it was implemented the Registry-Registrar Protocol, a standardization of communication service, between Registrars and the Registry of this top level domain (currently FCCN), whose goal is to automate the entire process of registration and management of domains managed by these entities.
In 2009 it was implemented the Registry-Registrar Protocol, a standardization of communication service, between Registrars and the Registry of this top level domain (currently FCCN), whose goal is to automate the entire process of registration and management of domains managed by these entities.
Integrated search of trademarks and domain names
The DNS.PT in partnership with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) provides a free online tool for integrated search of trademarks and .pt domain names, using just a search interface, the existence of trademarks and domain names can be checked, directly and simultaneously, at the databases of national registration of trademarks and the database of domain registration DNS. PT.
The DNS.PT in partnership with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) provides a free online tool for integrated search of trademarks and .pt domain names, using just a search interface, the existence of trademarks and domain names can be checked, directly and simultaneously, at the databases of national registration of trademarks and the database of domain registration DNS. PT.
DNSSEC is an international standard of security extensions, which adds mechanisms to guarantee the origin and integrity of DNS data technology.

DNSSEC ensures a safer name resolution system, reducing the risk of data manipulation.
DNSSEC is an international standard of security extensions, which adds mechanisms to guarantee the origin and integrity of DNS data technology.

DNSSEC ensures a safer name resolution system, reducing the risk of data manipulation.
Installed in Portugal replicas of type J root servers
In 2010 was a second replica of a Root Server (of the type J-Root server), which increasing the resilience of the network.
In 2010 was a second replica of a Root Server (of the type J-Root server), which increasing the resilience of the network.
New Information and Administrative Management System
The new DNS.PT information system and new on-line site that supports in an integrated way the registration and management under the ccTLD .PT, became in production.
The new DNS.PT information system and new on-line site that supports in an integrated way the registration and management under the ccTLD .PT, became in production.
Following the agreement signed on 24 January 2011, between ANACOM and the Foundation for National Scientific Computing (FCCN), it has been reported to the Director of the ITU-T TSB the decision to appoint FCCN as Tier 1 Registry of the domain 1.5.3.e164.arpa corresponding to the ccTLD (Country Code Top Level Domain) for the Portuguese U-ENUM.
Following the agreement signed on 24 January 2011, between ANACOM and the Foundation for National Scientific Computing (FCCN), it has been reported to the Director of the ITU-T TSB the decision to appoint FCCN as Tier 1 Registry of the domain 1.5.3.e164.arpa corresponding to the ccTLD (Country Code Top Level Domain) for the Portuguese U-ENUM.
Liberalization of the .pt domain
The liberalization of domain name registration under the ccTLD .pt, occurred in May 2012, representing a milestone in DNS.PT, it became possible to register .pt names by any interested party without requiring the existence of rights previously constituted.

Monitoring mechanisms were implemented in order to avoid the speculative and abusive registration of names.
The liberalization of domain name registration under the ccTLD .pt, occurred in May 2012, representing a milestone in DNS.PT, it became possible to register .pt names by any interested party without requiring the existence of rights previously constituted.

Monitoring mechanisms were implemented in order to avoid the speculative and abusive registration of names.
Installed in Portugal replicas of type L root servers
In 2012 it was installed a 3rd copy of a root server, increasing the resiliency of the domains namespace.
In 2012 it was installed a 3rd copy of a root server, increasing the resiliency of the domains namespace.
The DNS.PT is launched in Facebook
This year the DNS.PT entered the social networks by creating its facebook page, promoting useful information about the DNS.PT, about domain names in general and Internet curiosities, promoting their initiatives through news and statistics.
This year the DNS.PT entered the social networks by creating its facebook page, promoting useful information about the DNS.PT, about domain names in general and Internet curiosities, promoting their initiatives through news and statistics.
Creation of the DNS.pt Association
Contest for the 25 year .pt commemorative logo
In the beginning of the year the winner of the Contest for the 25 year .pt commemorative logo was announced, Flávia Pedrosa Reis, that comes from Santa Maria da Feira.
In the beginning of the year the winner of the Contest for the 25 year .pt commemorative logo was announced, Flávia Pedrosa Reis, that comes from Santa Maria da Feira.
CENTR Lisbon
The 49th CENTR meeting took place in Lisbon with the participation of about 35 Registries.
The 49th CENTR meeting took place in Lisbon with the participation of about 35 Registries.
.pt 100% accessible by IPv6
The Portuguese top level domain .pt has all its root servers available by IPv6, making it completely compatible with this technology.

These servers are in diverse geographic locations, enabling a global coverage serving the .pt community of users worldwide.
The Portuguese top level domain .pt has all its root servers available by IPv6, making it completely compatible with this technology.

These servers are in diverse geographic locations, enabling a global coverage serving the .pt community of users worldwide.
.PT supports the national event on digital economy, eShow, an initiative of ACEPI

ISO 27001 Certification
1st Meeting of .PT Registrars

1st edition of the Sitestar.pt contest
“Reveal your .pt” Photo Contest
Registry Lock Service launch
Support to the Show of Unknown Authors initiative, IGAC
Partnership with CDI Portugal: Apps for Good
.PT team participates in B2Run for the first time

.PT support to the national ex-libris of sports events, Volta a Portugal em bicicleta

.PT institutional partner of Portugal Digital Week

.PT is one of the MUDA promoters

Protocol of Collaboration with the National Cybersecurity Centre
.PT supports the NET Viva e Segura initiative

.pt KSK rollover
.pt celebrates 30 years and presents new corporate image
.pt with a dedicated space at the Portuguese Communications Museum
1 million domain names registered under .PT
Record of annual registrations achieved
New .PT WHOIS Policy, adaptation to the RGPD

.PT supports the national initiative ComercioDigital.pt

.PT is partner of INCoDe.2030

Start of implementation of Security Operations Center (PTSOC)
Support to the EU Kids Online Study
.pt sets new record: 121,359 registrations in 2019
Support to the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)
Webcheck.pt launch
.PT founder of E-Computing Association
Collaboration protocol between .PT and .ES
.PT supports C-Days Conference
.PT ambassador of the European initiative 'yourEUright'
.PT and INE sign a protocol
.pt sets new record: 132.890 registrations in 2020
Availability of the Chave Móvel Digital in .PT
.PT and CEGER sign a protocol to reinforce the .gov.pt subdomain
.PT subscribes to the Digital With Purpose manifesto
1.250.000 .pt domains
.PT launches new app
New .pt Terms and Conditions (registration rules): applicable from February 2
.PT support to the national ex-libris of sports events, Estoril Open
.pt grows 11% and exceeds 53 thousand new registrations in the first half of the year
Selo CONFIO celebra 5 anos
30 years of the first .pt domain (October 3)
.PT and Huawei sign a protocol to launch a scholarship program
.PT signs the Portuguese Pact Against Violence
.PT integrates Portuguese Coalition for Digital Employability
.pt grows 11% compared to the pre-pandemic period and accounts for more than 136 thousand new registrations in 2021, being the fastest growing ccTLD in Europe
.PT launches new page dedicated to cybersecurity content
.PT launches page dedicated to attracting and retaining talent
1,500,000 .pt domains registered
New functionality in .pt domain registration: “Domain purpose”
New domain: www.pt.pt
.PT official sponsor of the Estoril Open
.PT has a new headquarters: the Barra Barra building
Protocol between .PT, NOVA Saúde Pública (NSP) and the National School of Public Health in the field of innovation
.PT launches Digital Ramp with support from Google.org
.PT and ACEPI launch Digital Leaders web platform
INCoDe.2030 Roadshow - Digital Inclusion is supported by .PT
CONFIO trustmark presents new platform
.PT present in the Digital with Purpose Global Summit
Official inauguration of the new .PT headquarters, the Barra Barra building
.PT supports the first Digital Skills Month and the Digital Skills Forum: #tratarodigitalportu
.PT co-organizes Portuguese Initiative of Internet Governance Forum
.PT is the first TLD recognised in KINDNS
World Cup 2022 Campaign: "Let's go Portugal! We count with your domain under .pt".
.pt reaches new record and exceeds 150 thousand registrations in 2022
.PT supports the CriA.On platform
.PT and Cisco sign a protocol for the development of professional qualification programs in the field of digital training
.PT is the first entity to obtain two Digital Maturity Seals: Cybersecurity – Gold Level and Sustainability – Silver Level
.PT distinguished in the National Sustainability Award, in the Health and Well-being in Organizations category
Participation in the Digital Business Congress organised by APDC
DNS.PT Association celebrates 10th anniversary
Economic and Food Safety Authority (ASAE) joins the .PT Advisory Board
.PT co-organises 10th edition of the Portuguese Internet Governance Forum Initiative
.PT co-organises 1st Lusophone Internet Governance Forum
.PT and INTIC - National Institute of Information and Communication Technologies sign Memorandum of Understanding
.PT hosts the Interministerial Council for Digitalisation in Barra Barra
New communication channel launched with online assistant
Participation in the 64th European Quality Congress
Campaign: This Christmas, buy online with safe and trust: search for a .pt website and feel at home!
.PT's call center won the award for the .PT campaign, in the "Telecommunications service quality" category, at the 25th edition of Global CX
.PT welcomes ICANN President Sally Costerton at Barra Barra
PTSOC launches Cybersecurity Risk Management in Organisations and Business Continuity Management courses on the NAU platform
.PT recognized as Recommended Brand of the year by Consumers Trust
.PT joins the European TLD ISAC
President of .PT elected to the CENTR Board
.PT and Portuguese Police sign protocol to combat cybercrime