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Rampa Digital is launched
Marta Moreira Dias
.PT Board of Directors
Rampa Digital is launched
We launched the Rampa Digital, a .PT initiative, with the support of Google.Org, which integrates a set of actions with the aim of helping to accelerate economic recovery through technology, digital tools and free training/mentoring for micro and small national companies, especially in regions marked by geographical asymmetry, and with a differentiated focus on the entrepreneurship of women in situations of vulnerability and young people with special needs.

Rampa Digital aims to:
•Accelerate economic recovery through digital
•Digitally qualify for employability
•Reduce poverty and social exclusion
•Powering ideas and businesses with digital resources
•Empower to achieve autonomy and economic sustainability
•Streamline the entrepreneurial ecosystem, capitalizing on digital resources

We count on the collaboration of a set of strategic partners - among which the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality, IAPMEI, FENACERCI, the Portuguese Confederation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN Portugal), the National Federation of Cooperatives and Social Solidarity, which will help us to identify the main needs of the target audiences, and which will train their teams with the training content that Rampa Digital will make available, thus allowing the digitization process to continue. with their communities.

The training contents of Rampa Digital will be adapted to each target audience and adapted to their different levels of digital maturity (basic, intermediate and advanced levels), and can be consumed at the rhythm of each participant, and on topics as diverse as:
•Digital platforms for acquiring new markets
•Social media as a strategic vehicle
•Business analysis and expansion
•Cybersecurity and Privacy
•Good practices in the use of digital tools and concepts
•Marketing, advertising, and sales

The self-training will be followed by online and in-person follow-up sessions, which will allow to deepen knowledge, share inspiring testimonies and take the Rampa Digital to the whole country. The training will be available from September, and all the information about Rampa Digital can be consulted at www.rampadigital.pt

Rampa Digital is open to anyone who wants to go digital!

Please note: the articles on this blog may not convey the opinion of .PT, but of its author.
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